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Welcome to the Department of Community Health.


Our commitment to providing high-quality education and preparing students for impactful roles in healthcare is reflected in our diverse range of programs. Here is a brief overview of our current offerings:

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Direct Entry):
This program is designed for individuals who aspire to pursue a career in nursing through a direct entry pathway, providing comprehensive education and training.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Upgrading):
Our Upgrading program caters to experienced nursing professionals seeking to enhance their skills and stay abreast of the latest developments in the field.

Bachelor of Science in Community Health:
Geared towards those with a passion for community-oriented healthcare, this program equips students with the knowledge and skills to address public health challenges.

Diploma in Community Health:
Our diploma program is tailored to individuals aiming to make a direct impact on community well-being, focusing on the practical aspects of community health.

Masters in Public Health:
For those seeking advanced knowledge and leadership roles in public health, our Master's program provides a comprehensive and interdisciplinary curriculum.
The department admitted its pioneer group of students into the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Upgrading) program during the 2015/2016 Academic Year. Since then, we have been dedicated to maintaining a standard of excellence and fostering an environment that promotes learning, research, and community engagement

Dr. Consolata Kirigia,
Chair of Department